
Anabelle provided our team with critical advice, perspective, and leadership at times when we needed it most. She played an instrumental part in helping us navigate difficult decisions with a balanced approach that both informed our leadership team and eased our minds. She is an excellent communicator, thoughtful, and professional. I enthusiastically recommend her services.

Picky Bars was acquired by Laird Superfood (NYSE:LSF) in 2021. 

Jesse Thomas

Co-Founder & former CEO, Picky Bars / Former professional triathlete, 2X Ironman Champion, 9X Half Ironman

Picky bars engaged Anabelle when our co-manufacture wanted to push us on our food safety specs. The safety of our customers has always come first, and Anabelle helped us with the science behind food safety and where our risks were greatest. As we continued to work with her, she helped time and again with peace of mind that we were doing the right thing. And, as an operations person, my favorite thing about Anabelle is that she understands the business side as well – rigidity in process when needed, and flexibility when possible.

Jared Larkin

Vice President of Supply Chain, Laird Superfood

Dr. Broadbent is a distinguished scientist with decades of experience working at the intersection of food and health. Beyond her training and expertise, she is a driven, smart and dependable individual. Dr. Broadbent has spoken on different panels at the FoodNiche Summit in past years. Beyond the value she brings to the audience, her diligence and attention to details makes her stand out. She is one of the most remarkable people I have ever worked with and look forward to working with her again.

Julia Olayanju, Ph.D

Founder, FoodNiche® & FoodNiche-ED / Assistant Professor, Centenary University

I had the pleasure to meet and work with Anabelle for almost 3 years. She was instrumental for our Teams at Panera, as she was the Principal Subject Matter Expert from the TAG group, who supported us by executing comprehensive and detailed Food Safety assessments and risk analysis. She was always available and eager to meet with me when I needed to. Always kind and patient. Anabelle’s vast experience and knowledge was not only her only contribution to me. Anabelle has been my mentor and a true example of how far a Latino Woman can grow and to achieve great things. Accomplishment is driven by Determination, focus and consistency. Anabelle is living proof of this. I am truly honored to have crossed paths with Anabelle. I value her friendship and mentorship at every step in my career and personal life.

Anabelle also has been my personal inspiration to be healthy and to live a healthy lifestyle.

Carmen Miller, I.E ASQ CQA, PCQI, MLSSBB

Vice President of Food Safety & QA, Thomas Foods International

Anabelle is a scientific anomaly. There is no possible algorithm that could begin to explain how such a gifted individual came into existence. She is simply one of the sharpest critical thinkers of our time. She is an advanced academic who is stedfast in her resolve no matter how daunting the challenge. Her knowledge base is as extensive and impressive as her resume. Anabelle possesses an art and grace to which few can mimic; although many have tried. She is a gifted microbiologist who can run circles around most in a lab. She effortlessly flows through each day as if she is running a 5k (an easy task for her). To watch her in action makes one question his or her own potential. Anabelle Morales, the Athlete: Anabelle is a high energy, high endurance, high performance athlete. She begins each day awake before the sun in order to train and gain a competitive advantage over her adversaries. She is diligent, dedicated and industrious. Anabelle brings all of these competitive traits with her to work everyday. This gives her the ability to always remain one step above the rest. She is the uber human. Anabelle Morales, the Person: Anabelle is a truly unique and spirited individual. She is strong, agile, talented, humble, personable, and caring. She exudes happiness and a buddha like quality of empathy and understanding. She is passionate about our planet and it’s people. All in all Anabelle is a Master who artfully and effortlessly pieces together mountains of data and work into gracefully crafted jewels every single day of her life.

Shawn Kehs

Director of Operations & Research and Development, Brad's Plant-Based